SLOWRI is a universal stopped and low-energy RI (radioactive ion) beam facility at RIKEN Nishina Center (RNC).
SLOWRI provides high-purity, low-energy, low-emittance RI beams of most elements lighter than uranium, for use in various experiments across many fields.
A wide variety of high-energy RI beams produced by the BigRIPS fragment separator can be converted to low-energy RI beams using two different gas cells: RFC (RF-Carpet) gas cell and PALIS (PArasitic Laser Ionization Source) gas cell.
- 2014-06-15
Trapped Charged Particles 2014 Conference: 2nd Circular released
- 2014-05-22
"A High-Resolution Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrograph for Precision Mass Measurements at RIKEN/SLOWRI" Accepted by NIM B